
EV Ownership Ticks Up, but Fewer Nonowners Want to Buy One

Seven percent of Americans, up from 4% a year ago, report that they own an electric vehicle. That increase is matched by an equal decline in the percentage saying they are seriously considering buying one, from 12% to 9%. Meanwhile, fewer Americans – 35%, down from 43% in 2023 – say they might consider buying …

Keep America’s economy humming with baseload power

There is a common sentiment among the chattering class that energy made from solar panels and windmills is good and energy generated by fossil fuels is bad. The Biden administration‘s Environmental Protection Agency is “playing nature,” using its regulatory power to force the shutdown of coal and natural gas plants and replace them with renewables. …

PJM State of the Market – 2023

Reliability is a core goal of PJM. Maintaining and improving competitive markets should also be a core goal of PJM. The goal of competition in PJM is to provide customers reliable wholesale power at the lowest possible price,but no lower. The PJM markets have done that. The PJM markets work, even if not perfectly. The …

2023 Long-Term Reliability Assessment

This 2023 Long-Term reliability assessment is the Electric Reliability Organization’s independent assessment and comprehensive report on the adequacy of planned BPS resources to reliably meet the electricity demand across North America over the next ten years; it also identifies reliability trends, emerging issues, and potential risks that could impact the long-term reliability, resilience, and security …