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Higher Electricity Costs and Coal Retirements
Caught in the Headlines
America's Power
America's Power
PJM, the largest electric grid operator in the nation,conducts an auction annually to ensure that its 13-state region has sufficient electricgenerating capacity − roughly speaking, enough power plants − to meet its future electricitydemand. The purpose of the recent auction was to procure generating capacity for 2025/26.The most striking thing about the auction was the ...
Consol Energy aims to be a leading force in slowing the shift to renewable energy
With 20 years left of coal under its Western Pa. mining complex, company says move to renewables can't happen at high speed
News Flash
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
Anya Litvak
Pacing is a multifaceted theme at Consol Energy Inc., a 160-year-old coal mining company with its headquarters in the oil and gas mecca of Southpointe in Washington County. At the entrance to the mine’s portal in Prosperity is the first of many “Not So Fast” signs. A perfectly reasonable interpretation of the sign’s message is ...
Halfway Between Kyoto and 2050
Zero Carbon Is a Highly Unlikely Outcome
Fraser Institute
Vaclav Smil
This essay evaluates past carbon emission reduction and the feasibility of eliminating fossil fuels to achieve net-zero carbon by 2050. Despite international agreements, government spending and regulations, and technological advancements, global fossil fuel consumption surged by 55 percent between 1997 and 2023. And the share of fossil fuels in global energy consumption has only decreased ...
Breathe a Little Easier: Why America’s Air is Among the Cleanest in the World
Institute for Energy Research
Alexander Stevens , Jordan McGillis
Breathe a Little Easier is part of our ongoing effort to explain the role that energy has played in improving human living standards over the past two centuries. This project examines trends in air quality in the U.S. in order to push back at the doom-and-gloom narratives that dominate so much of our thinking about energy ...
Renewables not cost competitive until mid-century – Glencore
Nina Chestney
Renewable energy will not be cost competitive with fossil fuels until 2050, Glencore said on Tuesday, much later than energy organizations forecast and supporting the mining and trading giant’s case for continued investment in coal. ...
PJM power auction results yield sharply higher prices
An annual power market auction by the largest U.S. electrical grid operator resulted in prices more than 800% higher than last year as supply dwindled and demand increased, the operator said on Tuesday. ...