
Higher Electricity Costs and Coal Retirements

PJM, the largest electric grid operator in the nation,conducts an auction annually to ensure that its 13-state region has sufficient electricgenerating capacity − roughly speaking, enough power plants − to meet its future electricitydemand. The purpose of the recent auction was to procure generating capacity for 2025/26.The most striking thing about the auction was the …

Get a load of this: PJM doubles growth forecasts (again)

PJM Interconnection, the grid operator managing the power market and regional transmission planning for all or parts of 13 states in the Mid-Atlantic and Southeast, has once again doubled its annual load growth forecasts, citing “large, unanticipated” changes caused largely by the influx of data centers. …

PJM State of the Market – 2023

Reliability is a core goal of PJM. Maintaining and improving competitive markets should also be a core goal of PJM. The goal of competition in PJM is to provide customers reliable wholesale power at the lowest possible price,but no lower. The PJM markets have done that. The PJM markets work, even if not perfectly. The …