
Higher Electricity Costs and Coal Retirements

PJM, the largest electric grid operator in the nation,conducts an auction annually to ensure that its 13-state region has sufficient electricgenerating capacity − roughly speaking, enough power plants − to meet its future electricitydemand. The purpose of the recent auction was to procure generating capacity for 2025/26.The most striking thing about the auction was the …

The Biden EPA’s Plan to Ration Electricity

The Biden Administration’s regulations are coming so fast and furious that it’s hard even to keep track, but we’re trying. On Thursday the Environmental Protection Agency proposed its latest doozy—rules that will effectively force coal plants to shut down while banning new natural-gas plants. …

Breathe a Little Easier: Why America’s Air is Among the Cleanest in the World

Breathe a Little Easier is part of our ongoing effort to explain the role that energy has played in improving human living standards over the past two centuries. This project examines trends in air quality in the U.S. in order to push back at the doom-and-gloom narratives that dominate so much of our thinking about energy …

The Coming Electricity Crisis

President Biden and the press keep raising alarms about a climate crisis that his policies can’t do much about. Yet in the meantime they’re ignoring how government climate policies are contributing to a looming electric-grid crisis that is more urgent and could be avoided. …

U.S. needs coal

It’s not hard to sense that something extraordinary is happening in the United States: Digital technology has been neglected by policymakers in the nation’s energy demand. The evidence can be found in the vast computer-server farms that move and store data and activate everything from smartphones to laptops to digital TVs and make up the …

Rolling blackouts cloud Hawaii’s energy future

Power shortages on Monday forced Hawaiian Electric Co. to institute rolling blackouts that left 120,000 customers on the island without power for 30-minute periods throughout the late afternoon and evening. …

Winter Grid Threat

Last winter’s grid emergency was just the latest example of the nation’s rapidly deteriorating electricity reliability. Now, the nation’s grid reliability regulator is warning this winter could be worse, with 180 million people potentially facing power shortages. And instead of working to shore up the grid, bad policy is poised to make an alarming situation …