
Higher Electricity Costs and Coal Retirements

PJM, the largest electric grid operator in the nation,conducts an auction annually to ensure that its 13-state region has sufficient electricgenerating capacity − roughly speaking, enough power plants − to meet its future electricitydemand. The purpose of the recent auction was to procure generating capacity for 2025/26.The most striking thing about the auction was the …

The “coal hard” facts

It is important that we understand the history of the coal industry and acknowledge its ongoing significance to our county, state, and domestic economies. While the coal industry’s overall impact may not register, a recent study on the industry brings the importance of coal as a foundational resource for our economy to the surface. …

CONSOL Energy Seeks to Educate the Public with Its Not So Fast Campaign

The U.S. and global energy landscapes are undergoing a significant transformation, driven by the urgent need to reduce carbon emissions and transition to renewable energy sources. However, this shift comes with its own set of challenges and misconceptions. In response, CONSOL Energy, one of the largest U.S. coal producers based in Canonsburg, PA, has launched …

Consol Energy aims to be a leading force in slowing the shift to renewable energy

Pacing is a multifaceted theme at Consol Energy Inc., a 160-year-old coal mining company with its headquarters in the oil and gas mecca of Southpointe in Washington County. At the entrance to the mine’s portal in Prosperity is the first of many “Not So Fast” signs. A perfectly reasonable interpretation of the sign’s message is …